I’ve been interested in goal setting, planning, personal development, and manifestation for a few years now, but I always thought vision boards were a little silly (probably because I tend to prefer words or sound over visuals). But one of my favorite YouTubers (Alexis Kingsley) recently made a video showing her boards from the past few years and how so much of what she envisioned came true, so I decided to try it myself.
To no one’s surprise, I loved it.
So, here are some tips so you can make your own!
Write out all your goals first, even the crazy ones. Perhaps you could even start with writing a detailed description of what your dream day/life looks like. Then from there you can divide this dream into bullets of specific things to put on your board.
Divide your goals up into things that you foresee happening in the next year vs things that might take longer to materialize. IN THEORY, anything could happen within the next year, so if you want to be really ambitious, then go for it, but personally I wanted to my board to be at least 50% things that are realistically attainable. The point of the board is that you want these visions to become reality, and if they don’t, that can be discouraging. So I prefer to pick goals that are difficult but within reach.
Find ways to turn all the things on your vision board into actionable plans. This might not work with every single dream (some things will have to be left up to fate/the universe/god or whatever you believe in to work themselves out), but if you want to write a novel by the end of 2025, then it’s a good idea to have a daily goal like “write for 1 hour each morning” to get you to your dream.
If you create your board online (you can use sites like Canva), make it your phone/computer background or print it and put it somewhere that you’ll always see it so you have a daily reminder of the life you’re aspiring to live.
Here’s my board!
(all of these pics I found online, mostly on Pinterest, so I don’t own any of them, but my goal is to replace them all with pictures of my own experience at the end of 2025!)
I love my vision board. It’s so cozy and magical to me, and it FEELS like all my dreams.
Here’s what each thing symbolizes:
-The top left picture of the waterfall is a state park in Indiana (the state where I currently live). One of my goals is to visit all the state parks in my state next year.
-Next to that is a drawing pad. I want to improve my digital art, hopefully to the point where I can actually draw some of my characters (and perhaps the cover of the next Affinities novella).
-Running: my husband has convinced me to run a 14 mile race in a few months (the hardest one in Indiana, haaa). We’ve never done more than a 5k race. Pray for us.
-Pull ups: in general I want to improve my strength, and I’ve never been able to do a pull up so I’d love to have that ability.
-Back down to the left with the hippie girl, I love this style and I’d like to really hone my own fashion style, since I tend to neglect physical aesthetics (and everything about the physical world hahaha).
-Page reads! I want my books to amass 100k page reads on Kindle Unlimited in one month. For the board I put November, because by that point I’ll have 11 books published (including 3 new novels that I plan to publish in 2025), so I would love to see tons of people reading my books at that point <3
-Best seller banner…feels like a pipe dream at this point BUT I’m going to believe it can happen.
-I definitely think writing about 350k words for the year will be possible, since I tend to have a 1k per day average. It’d better be possible, because I need to write all of Glitter & Gore book 2 which will no doubt be 170k words (again, pray for meeee).
-Back to the left, I did a few home renovations this past year, and next year I’m planning to do a few more, including that specific green/purple leaf wallpaper in the dining room. The kitchen is green, the living room is purple…the dining room has to bring it together otherwise I will perpetually cringe at the color clashing.
-Book stack! Most of those books have been on my TBR for like…6 years? Sooo I’m determined to read all of them in 2025, and in general read more since I was almost 20 books behind my 2024 goal to read 40 books.
-Yoga, my favorite form of movement that I’ve been doing fairly consistently for about 4 years, but I’ve never gotten close to doing that pose, so…I want to try some harder poses in 2025, maybe get a pic of me being that effortlessly bendy.
-Finally, Kauai!! My writer bestie and I are determined to go (with my husband obviously). The only other time I’ve visited Kauai, I was eleven years old, and it was such a magical time. I’m excited to re-experience it as an adult who actually has a choice in where we go, haha.
This time next year I WILL post a new 2025 board replacing all these images with my own pictures. I hope you can do the same for your vision board too <3